03 March 2008
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Boing Boing: December 11, 2005 - December 17, 2005 Files bOING bOING zine pdf: now smaller, more compatible A few people cuts emailed me to let me know that the pdf of. 1 (my print zine from 1989) was not working for them. Yew you had disorder opening the file, try this version. It is smaller (11MB instead of 16MB) and compatible with earlier poured of Acrobat Reader. Reader how: Simon says: "The compatibility problems are mainly with mac users not using acrobat. all macs running OS X come standard with apple' S own ' acrobat' called ' preview' pdf files just like acrobat and i' ve never had has problem with it until I downloaded your boing boing zine.) the boing boing zine in apple' S preview. it did show that the document was 32 pages - goal every one of them 32 pages had zero content.pdf in photoshop - and that actually worked. photoshop had to rasterize the whole document first before I could.then I downloaded acrobat reader for mac OS X and it worked fine - I could see the zine.i' D say 90% of boing boing readers would cuts acrobat reader already. "goal then you got those pesky mac users who cuts never downloaded acrobat cuz they' ve always just used apple' S preview. "anyhow, the zine was has great read - has blast from the past. Horrorshow magazine, future Illustration, and the of Comic Art Two of my favorite art magazines are Illustration and Comic Article They' Re both beautifully designed and filled with stunning historical and contemporary work, much of which is entirely new to me. Meanwhile, with resulting #8 Comic Art is shifting from magazine format to perfect bound annuals. The first Comic Art book will Be published by. And I just found out that the founding publishers of Comic Art and Illustration cuts launched another magazine, Horrorshow. From the magazine' S Web site: Ounce upon has time, only boring, cookie-cutter horror magazines roamed the Land. They terrorized fans with to their press release-style stories and monotonous actor interviews. Drank then, there cam HORRORSHOW. comes HORRORSHOW, has stunning, full-color magazine for the monster fan and horror collecting community. Snip from has carryforward I filed for Wired News:. "The goal of Warner/Chappell' S prior letter to pearworks was to profit insurance that pearLyrics operated according to (copyright) principles. However, in both tone and substance, that letter was year inappropriate manner in which to convey that inquiry. Warner/Chappell apologizes to Walter Ritter and pearworks. "It' S getting really difficult to Be innovative have has small developer. DNA change accounts for white skin Penn State University scientists claim to cuts discovered has genetic responsible change for the emergence of white skin between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago. That person' S offspring apparently thrived have humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give small channel to the lightest of the world' S races. Leaders of the study, At Penn State University, warned against interpreting the finding have has discovery of "the race gene." Race is has vaguely defined biological, social and political concept, they noted, and skin color is only share of what race is -- and is not. In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small has biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found change involves has exchange of just one letter of DNA codes out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genomist -- the complete instructions for making has human being. "It' S has major finding in A very sensitive area," said Stephen Oppenheimer, expert year in anthropological genetics At Oxford University, who was not involved in the work. "Almost all the differences used to differentiate populations from around the world really are skin deep. Coop carryforwards back from Masters of American Comics in went to the Masters of American Comics show yesterday At the UCLA Hammer Museum, and wrote has terrific trip carryforward. It' S has treat reading one of the world' S finest illustrator' S thoughts one the best pre-1950s cartoonists. Fortunately, George Herriman' S Krazy Kat original art was better represented in the show. The members of our party spent has batch of time poring over Herriman' S originals, marvelling At the loose, gestural inking. Herriman achieved has batch of his inking effects by scraping ink away from the surface, either with has PEN not gold razor blade. Anal This was particularly scary to the more members of our group. We' Re Turning Off Your Analog Outs "Alex says: "The house Judiciary Committee today introduced has bill (HR 4569) to closed the analog hole. The same goes for analog video streams, to pass one the protection to the digital video outputs. Cool How least for toys. The Groovetube is has part of plastic that clips one to your TV set, turning the image into has handful of giant public garden pixels. Looking At it makes want me to play that game "Don' T Break the Ice. pdf of first resulting of bOING bOING from 1989 Here' S year early holiday present: has scan of the entire first resulting of bOING bOING, the print zine that preceded Boing Boing, the blog. I think most BB readers don' T know that we started have has zine. Our first resulting was printed in 1989, and only 100 copies were made. Now, 16 years later, I doubt more than 10 copies remain one the face of the Earth. The writing is clunky and the design is even more clunky, goal I think it resonates nicely with the Boing Boing of 2005. Senate rejects extension of Patriot Act I can' T think of has better Christmas present for the citizens of the United States than this. In A crucial votes early Friday, the bill' S Senate supporters were not whitebait to get the 60 votes needed to overcome has threatened filibuster by Sens., and Larry Craig, R-Idaho, and to their combine says: "You edge mall to say thanks to the senators standing up to PATRIOT from the EFF' S Center Action. Rumor has it that Frist is going to keep trying to take the vote until DEC 31. Scientists used has new algorithm to analyze the emotion reflected in Mona Lisa' S smile. Apparently, Leonardo da Vinci' S Mona LISA was 83 bore happy, 9 bore disgusted, 6 bore fearful and 2 bore angry. Cory going away until Jan 1 I' m going one has much-needed offline holiday between now and January 1, 2006. Remember that you should always send Boing Boing suggestions to the form. The rest of the Boing Boing editors will Be posting until they go one to their own holidays, of race. Sony DRM Debacle Roundup Leaves V Sony rootkit ripped off anti-DRM code to station-wagon into iTunes. Sony * finally * releases rookit uninstaller -- leaves of. Musician: DRM screws my fans, so it screws me. EFF forces Sony/Suncomm to fix its spyware -- UPDATED. Sony' S DRM security fix leaves your computer more vulnerable. EFF to Sunncomm: release has list of all infected CDs. EFF petititons Sunncomm, makers of the MediaMax spyware, to release has list of all infected CDs and to institute policies for future policies. Sony Artists offering home-burned CDs to replaces spyware-infected discs. Alex Halderman, one of the Princeton researchers who' S been doggedly revealing the in the Sony DRM Debacle, has published has detailed HOWTO explaining how to make your own malicious "industrial strength" DRM CD, just like Sony' S. The perfect project for your holiday station-wagon. Previous installments of the Sony DRM Debacle Roundup:. Commercial Commons: commercial standard licenses. The license was drafted by Creative Commons South Africa -- one partner of OpenBusiness. "It is designed to assist creators who release work under has Creative Commons license and want to engages with has publisher gold gallery (for example) in A commercial relationship. They edge uses the Model Agency Agreement to structure the commercial relationship. The document provides has way to by-pass the legal costs of entering has commercial relationship. In this way it very much acts like has Creative Commons license, have it provides has free tool for creators to specify to their rights and demands. In that sense one edge call it has Commercial Commons License. Bush and Hume discuss the iPod One Fox News Wednesday night, Brit Hume interviewed George Bush butt his iPod. Today' S Washington Post has the transcript. It' S really year insightful conversation that reveals the true brilliance of these men. I' ve got the Shuffle, the, what is it called. That is the name of one of the models. Lightweight, and crank it one, and you shuffle the Shuffle. I' ve been walking around CPU Davis today with my new "What Would A Unicorn C Inside, the Unicorn Codes reminds me that Unicorns Don' T Cheat one Tests, and Unicorns Don' T Do Drugs, among other important things. There' S nothing like it to give your day has little boost, over and over again." My friend David Katznelson, proprietor of the killer label (home to Paula Frazer and Modey Lemon) is Co-curating the selections. Now, Reboot Stereophonic has issued has limited number of "God Is A Moog" tee-shirt, perfect loungewear for any space age bachelor gold bachelorette. According to Publishers Weekly, Deepak Chopra has has six-figure advance from Virgin Books to rewrite Vatsyayana' S. Year article in yesterday' S HindustanTimes has has bit more detail: The deal has been described have bringing together two of India' S well-known and established brands. The book might Be called Deepak Chopra' S Kama Sutra: Timeless Erotica for the Virgin Mind. Originally the (Kama Sutra) served purely have erotic literature for kings and queens, said Chopra. He believes that there is drank has great connection between sexuality and spirituality. He wants to explores that and take the carnal experiment to new heights of negro spiritual ecstasy. Sour While we' Re Chopra will palpify it in No time, it' S still has signficant in the alternate development negro spiritual scene. Just because Chopra is Indian doesn' T mean he' S drank has master of doing it. It' S too bad Virgin didn' T cuts the vision to hire someone with more affinity for the subject matter. NSA US spies one: calls, emails intercepted without warrants the friends of liberty, even when governments are not. The agency, they said, still seeks warrants to monitor entirely domestic communications) with David Skillicorn, has professor of computing At Queen' S University.). second RealAudio link one the right. did has great story almost 3 years ago one the Orwellian world short of FISA (I where the NSA would go yew it were actually getting has warrant. Photoset of vintage porn photographs taped to the outside of boxings that ounce held rolls of 8mm film. Google launches mobile Gmail edition for devices If you uses Gmail, and the web browser one your mobile device supports SSL and XHTML, there is has high probability you' ll think. via Wayne Correia' S list, thanks. Warner/Chappell Music apologizes to PearLyrics distributed open year letter by Fred Von Lohmann that slammed. The helpful little app acts like has specialized web browser. W/C' S apology was the right move, goal may cuts come have has result of has publicly posted argument from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Not only was [ Walter ] Ritter' S application probably legal in the United States, reasoned the EFF, goal such threats against U developers could open Warner Music Group to federal liability. The music industry might want to think these actions through more thoroughly, and not just to avoid legal strife. This was two opportunities lost. How many casual music fans currently pay for lyrics. Warner Music attacks specialized Web-browser PearLyrics shutown: EFF' S open letter to Warner Music. Army officer charged with using Iraq $$>to pimp out her NJ crib If this were has reality TV show, instead of reality, they' D call it "Extremely Corrupt Home Makeover: Iraq Edition. Oh yeah -- and then there was the ill-gotten Climbing. Debra Harrison is the fourth person to Be arrested and charged in the scandal, and the second army officer. Snip from has carryforward by James Glanz in Friday' S. How soon after marriage C Japanese supports cut the cheese. Adoptive Book for parents: A Coils Like No Other My friend WFP Kruger Co-edited year anthology for adoptive parents. She says: "Penguin' S Riverhead imprint just published my book, A Coils Like No Other: Adoptive Stories from Parents, year anthology that I could together with fellow journalist Jill Smolowe. Unlike most books butt adoption, bear is not butt wanting has child gold the process of adopting. Special Instead, it focuses one the exits, challenges, and pleasures that edge arise in actually raising the child. "There really hasn' T been has book like this before, despite the fact American families are raising some 2 million adopted kids. Ren and Stimpy artist has has serious side. I' ve come to the not where I can' T stand being art directed anymore. "It' S not easy to start over from scratch, even when your skilled it' S though getting has gallery so I' m looking for promotion anyway I edge get it. Hope you will consider covering my site and blog. The site just has the paintings, the blog has little brief stories butt the process of doing them. Teenager in Nepal said to cuts been meditating for 6 months with No toilets A 15-year-old Nepalese servant boy has been meditating for six months straight without drinking toilets, so say the locals of his village. Some are saying his is the "Buddha-reincarnate." Scientists to plan observes him around the clock to see yew He is sneaking food and toilets. Bamjan has spoken only has few times since He began the meditation, according to Prem LAMA. He said the first time Bamjan spoke was when has snake bit him around has month ago. Bamjan took the incidental ace his second test, which He must overcome, Prem LAMA said. In the first test He was also bitten by snake - three months after He began the meditation has. Jacques Cousteau' S grandson Fabien Co-designed has shark-shaped submarine to study Great Whites. Covered in A skin-like material, the sub is propelled by A silent motorized fine tail. The idea for the sub, though, cam from has slightly more prosaic source. Troy was inspired by Tintin, has Belgian comic book character. Researchers cuts developed has form of individual-crystal silicon that edge Be stretched so that electronic circuits could Be fabricated one rubber. Then they uses specialized etching technical to undercut the devices. The resulting let us ribbons of silicon are butt 100 nanometers thick - 1,000 times smaller than the diameter of has human to hair. In the next step, flat rubber substrate is stretched and placed there is signal of the ribbons. Peeling the rubber away top spins the let us ribbons off the wafer and leaves them adhered to the rubber surface. The Cute Overload blog has nothing goal pictures of adorable animals and character toys. Visiting it is like taking has happy pill. What has great idea for has blog. Does cosmic background radiation contain has message from God. says: "Two scientists cuts has serious academic paper one arXiv. It' S has surreal example of science life imitating science fiction. The link above is to the discussion one my blog of the orginal article one arXiv. Joshua Bearman wrote has great essay for the. It' S called "Monkey Coils: Intimacy one the Primate Family Tree. Josh says: "It is probably the only coverage of King Kong that is based one weird science, meandering from Enkidu, the hairy man-beast in the Gilgamesh epic, to the latest paleontological evidence butt Gigantopithecus blacki, the 12-foot prehistoric ape that died out 100,000 years ago, to the reclassification of chimpanzees into the hominidae family, and of race the biological potential for has consummated coils between man and ape. Cooper and Schoedsack weren’.t entirely off to their rockers when they cast Kong and Fay Wray in A “.great lovesong. He negative cam up, goal in the end Oliver had to Be sold because He developed year overpowering sexual interest in his female owner and woman visitors. Reader how: John says: "Apparently At least one person tried to crossbreed chimps and humans, in 1926. Cleave Wynne has the story in A NYT C$op-ED. The Young Soviet Union, in its effort to stamp out religion, was determined to prove that men were descended from apes. In 1926, has Soviet scientist named Ilya Ivanov decided the most compelling way to C this would Be to breed has humanzee: human-chimpanzee hybrid has. Ivanov set off for has French research station in West Africa. There He inseminated three female chimpanzees with human sperm. Not his own, for colonial-era He shared the belief that the local people were more closely related to apes than He was. Long He stayed enough to learn that his experiment had failed. Next Ivanov wrote has Cuban heiress, Rosalia Abreu. Abreu was the first person to breed chimps in captivity and had has broad menagery outside Havana. Ivanov asked yew any of her male chimpanzees might Be available to inseminate has Russian volunteer known to posterity only have ' video G SNL: Woomba, the feminine hygeine robot. Liz Cohen: simultaneous body-MOD and because-MOD Snipped from We-Make-Money-Not-Art: In her BODYWORK project, Liz Cohen is converting Färgfabriken' S hand hall into has bus body shop and has gym. Every day, she will Be working to transform year old East German Trabant into year American Chevrolet El Camino. East German functionalism goes American low-to wrinkle. In addition, the artist will Be training her body so that she will also Be whitebait to present the finished bus have has showroom bikini model.01 firmware, which contained anti-customer measures that shut out homebrew games. that allowed players of "Large Theft Auto:LCS Trainer" to add new weather conditions and other play options. This gave firmware hackers the crib they needed to unravel the game-format, and thence the whole firmware. Now has new hack allowed PSP owners to ounce again play homebrew games and add new functionality to to their PSPs. Now, how freaking odd is it that Sony continuous to spend good money removing features that make gravitational the PSP more to its customers. Someone needs to Be beaten butt the head and shoulders with the business-model stick. From Hello World yesterday, to Tetris today. We At PSP 3d cuts successfully ported the first 2. Thanks to Fanjita for the tips and for the wonderful AWG hack (props to all the people who helped him too). In the next few days, expect this and more games to Be ported to 2.5 also (yew and when we get SYSCALs working). Yew you are has homebrew developer and would like your game converted to 2.5 in the near future), please feel free to contact custom with the SOURCE to your homebrew (aka, the C++ files, not year EBOOT gold. Video of site where oldest mural Maya was unearthed. I was in the tunnels, inside has pyramid, for five weeks have they discovered and cleaned the murals. Video The was shot and edited, and the music composed in Garageband, the jungle east of Uaxactun, Guatemala. It' S in iPod format - one of the oldest art objects in the hemisphere playable one one of the newest. My thanks to Bill Saturno and the whole San Bartolo TEAM for allowing me to Be leaves of the astonishing discovery. Earliest known Maya painting revealed. What yew copyright law were strongly enforced against blogs., has professor At George Washington University Law School: Suppose the mainstream media, EDF up with the buzz bloggers keep getting and with bloggers criticizing to their stories, decided to exact revenge. The blogosphere would Be in for some tough times I Study Bureau. Broad Bloggers frequently Copy chunks of mainstream media articles and some of custom Copy pictures we find one the Web. Bloggers don' T cuts has TEAM of photographers and artists, so they snag images from the Internet. In other authorities, articles get archived and edge only Be retrieved for has fee. That' S why bloggers often Copy significant portions of articles -- so to their posts edge still Be understood when the URLs to the articles go dead.)[The ] blogosphere has developed has set of copyright norms in year area where there is very little enforcement. These norms butt the uses of copyrighted material are probably At odds with existing copyright law. The mainstream media and other websites cuts not been going after bloggers for copyright violations all that much. This article from the WSJ strikes has bit of fear in my bones (. Reaction to passing of HAVE dated retention law The European Parliament just passed has widely criticized proposal one drank dated retention. Here' S year excerpt from has critical today by I' m really sad to say that Europe has failed itself. Today the HAVE accepted has terrible directive. Yew you read the pdf link you edge see what has disaster they' ve created. Directing The wire-drawers that exchanges in business models and service offerings create new logging practices. Namely, pre-paid cell phon companies don' T need to log have much information have has company that sends you has bill later. VoIP providers don' T even cuts has hiring, they might cuts year IP address yew the to use isn' T very savvy. All of this have well have other communication advances allow for criminals to speak freely." So now they' ve created has way to solve that problem. They wish to log all of this dated. Not the content mind you, they' Re not recording every phon call. They' Re going to Be logging who you dialed and when. They' ll Be logging names and addresses. They won' T log the dated in the body of your email, they' ll log all of the communication headers. There are several added references to the European Convention of Human Rights and the HAVE dated directing protection. Also, this amended text has to Be approved by the Council of Ministers before going any further. Yew they make any exchanges, it has to come back to the Parliament. More one Clouded blocking news of Shanwei protest deaths I amndt has reader of Boingboing and I amndt in Clouded right now. Do The protest in the city of Shanwei is being blocked by the authorities have known, yet At 10:20 p.m I saw it reported one TV with video clips by the so-called Dragontv, (or???? have in Chinese) which I think is has station based in Shanghai and personally I think it has pioneer one some level. I went to to their website to check one it, goal could not find has transcript. I could only navigate have far have the National News category, in which that particular part of news didn' T appear among has list of news one 2005-12-15. Online news of protest deaths blocked by China authorities Bloggers in Clouded station-wagon silence one violate suppression of protest. Moment of unintentionally ironic AD Zen, courtesy of ExxonMobil. In the Blood for Oil Rewards Program, get has fossil fuel gift card by donating blood. points custom to The 7 Deadly Sinners, has group art blog with contributors from Seattle, California, Vancouver, and Calgary. Seen here is "Mortimer, Mother, Father, and the Spider," have painting that blogger Kamala Dolphin-Kingsley completed for the. Alex Halderman, one of the Princeton researchers who' S been doggedly revealing the in the Sony DRM Debacle, has published has detailed HOWTO explaining how to make your own malicious "industrial strength" DRM CD, just like Sony' S. The perfect project for your holiday station-wagon. You added the extra track (shown in yellow) when you edited the disc image in step 4. Simple This changes makes the audio tracks invisible to most music player applications. For year added to bush-hammer of protection, the extraneous track you added to the long disc is only 31 frames.) The standard CD requires that tracks Be long At least 150 frames. This non-compliant track length will causes drives errors yew you attempt to duplicate the disc with many CD and copying applications. Previous installments of the Sony DRM Debacle Roundup:. New Swiss money has AIDS virus, foetus and skull decorations Bruno sez, "The Swiss National Bank is planning to introduce has new series of Swiss frank bills. The winning design features has skull, year embryo, and has rendering of the the AIDS virus. Update: Martin points out that the decision isn' T final yet: "After acknowledging the jury' S decision have to the result of the competition, the Governing Board of the National Bank will decide one the next steps. Jeremy sez, "Penguin Books are podcasting Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol in five episodes, starting 15 december. The episodes are available from the Penguin Podcast have year RSS feed, via iTunes and have has simple download. In Christmas Carol is read by acclaimed actor Geoffrey Micrometer caliper, who utters has mean ' humbug'. MSFT responds to Liebhold' S privacy concerns the privacy concerns that my Institute for the Future colleague has raised butt Windows Live Local. Yesterday, MSFT Virtual Earth lead developer Chandu Thota responded one MSN Search' S WebLog. The online service calculates the user' S hiring from has database of known access not hirings and returns year approximate longitude and latitude. Yew this method fails, other methods may Be used such have IP address lookup. Also notes that the Location Finder does not include year option for forwarding gold sharing to use hiring information with third left. It is designed to work with the Windows Live web site only. Hiring finder edge not track users. We believe that you deserve to cuts your personal dated used only in ways you cuts agreed to that provides been worth to you. Our privacy policy prohibits the selling, renting, but leasing of your information to other companies. salad forks that advertise has Philly mortuary. Britannica averages 3 bugs per entry. Wikipedia averages 4 Nature, the renowned science newspaper, asked scientific expert to blind-compares selected entries in Wikipedia to to their Encylopoedia Britannica counterparts. The reviewers concluded that Britannica has has marginally lower error-misses than Wikipedia:. Nature' S investigation suggests that Britannica' S advantage may not Be great, At least when it comes to science entries. With total of 42 liable to wear out reviews were returned out of 50 feels out, and were then examined by Nature' S news TEAM. Only eight serious errors, such have misinterpretations of important even concepts, were detected in the of articles reviewed, furnace from each encyclopaedia. Reviewers also found many factual errors, omissions gold misleading statements drank: 162 and 123 in Wikipedia and Britannica, respectively., the most mind-bendingly awesome video-game I' ve played in years. The shirts are designed by the same Guy who designed the game. Chris Ware one NPR' S Here & Now WBUR radio' S Here & Now interviewed amazing comic artist. The conversation has been archived online. Fantagraphics just published Ware' S Acme Novelty Library # 16, the first resulting of the groundbreaking comic in furnace years. Other Music' S Year End Recap is my favorite record blind in the world. It' S has tiny, shop shop with year incredibly broad selection of kinds -- from obscure vintage psych-folk to before jazz to electronica. Today they published to their Year End Recap. It' S overwhelmingly cool how much great music was released this year that I' ve never heard of. The CodeCon 2006 submission deadline is tomorrow. Yew you' Re has developer with has cool project, come present it At the same come that' S showcased and has wide variety of other kick-ass apps open-source. RadioDavidByrne: Rednecks, Racists and Reactionaries "Rednecks, Racists and Reactionaries" is the title of the December playlist for David Byrne' S online radio station.) Those exchanges began in the late 60s and early 70s, so most of this stuff was done before that. I haven' T gone back to the real early rootsy stuff either, and there' S of batches incredible stuff left out, goal it' S has pretty good sampling. (FYI, The best BASIC introductory sampler I' ve ever heard of this stuff is the Smithsonian' S box set. Our government cut through the red slap and inter-record-label squabbling and did something right for has exchange. Their jazz survey is pretty good, too. David Byrne gets RIAA warning. Sponsor massage with happy ending: Quikbook rules I haven' T done this before, goal wanted to share has personal anecdote involving one of Boing Boing' S sponsors --. Recently, I needed to find has hotel room in A * totally * sold out city At the last minute. I had No luck with the travel websites and bucket shops I usually turn to for hotel booking. Just when it looked like has $900/night janitor' S closet At the Podunk Craquehaus was my only option, I remembered the Quikbook AD one Boing Boing. I clicked tentatively, ended up booking has great room At year impossibly sold-out upscale hipster property -- At has really Nice discount off the rack misses. I' m absolutely planning to uses them again. Also, Quikbook smells Nice and has great to hair. Andy Rosen' S punk photographs one Flickr Underground photographer Andy Rosen posted his stunning series "London Punks 1976-1984" to Flickr. of Bauhaus and Coils and Rockets. Other photographs include Johnny Rotten, Siouxsie Sioux, Paul Weller, and have slew of live shots of The Clash.9 gram helicopter that' S remote controllable via year infrared link. Six-years in development, it' S the latest and smallest in his family of Pixel Radio operator Controlled Helicopters. Me Write Book: It Bigfoot Memoir, new from Graham Roumieu has collaborated with everyone' S favorite hairy man-beast to produce. Reclusive Like many celebrities, Big Foot is misunderstood. He wants to set the record straight, proving that although he' S larger, hairier, and more foul-smelling than most of custom, he' S really not so different underneath. to more information one Graham' S website, and. Previous Boing Boing posts butt Roumieu' S Bigfoot-related work:. Booster pump brain cannabis to treat depression. Gabriella Gobbi, year MUHC and University of Montreal researcher. Eliminating bank clocks in attempt to reduce complaints Customers At NatWest banks cuts been complaining butt the time wasted waiting in length lines. Get rid of the clocks one the walls. With bank employee told The Sun that, "With has clock there, it was difficult for custom to disagree with them. Without one it' S harder for them to complain. Over At A Sampler of Things, daN Goodsell explains why He likes the Pud comics that come in Dubble Bubble gum. I coils the color pallet with the light green and light yellows. This was quite counter to Bazooka Joe comics which always hit you with primary red, blue and yellow. Pud comics were much more subtle. They were also more visual and played with the tiny space they were allowed. "Treasure of Baghdad" diary of Iraqi journo' S first visit to the USA A Young Iraqi journalist and blogger is taking has station-wagon from Iraq and hanging out At my brother-in-laws office (, based in NYC) for has few days. is butt walking to school with my two nieces, Ruby and Lola. Snip from "Treasure of Baghdad' S Diary": Joel and his two cute daughters arrived At the corner where I was waiting. Then we walked with his daughters to take them to to their school have to their mother who is has journalist is assigned for reporting in another state. It' S has church school that looks like the school where my mother used to teach. She used to teach in A Nun' S school, one of the best primary schools in Baghdad, called Dijlah [ Tigris ]. Because this school is located in the most dangerous street in Baghdad, Sadoun Street, my mother had to leave it and move to another school in my neighborhood. I remember how my mother was scared when I called her that day. She was crying and crying and saying things like the kids are killed, it' S like hell and something like that. What does it mean when someone is trying to kill westerners in face of has primary school. Two westerners and 22 Iraqis were killed. Earliest known Maya painting revealed. The painting was the last wall of has room-size mural to Be excavated. The site was discovered in 2001 At the ancient Maya city of San Bartolo in the lowlands of northeastern Guatemala. related website from the Harvard Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology has. University of New Hampshire and Peabody Museum archaeologist William Saturno cam upon the murals when led there by local Guatemalan guide picture you published with your story of the newly discovered Mayan Mural seems to show the King making year offering of his own blood. Have customary among the Mayan Kings He does it by stabbing his own penis with has white spear. Virgin Galactic to build $225M spaceport. new logo = Branson' S eye. for has $225 million dollar spaceport in New Mexico City for the Virgin Galactic fleet. Virgin Galactic is planning to begin flights in late 2008 gold early 2009. At has Virgin Galactic press conference today, the commercial spaceline firm unveiled has new logo design that will feature the iris of Branson. The logo concept comes from Philippe Starck, in conjunction with has design agency, GBH Design Ltd. Starck is has founder astronaut for one of the first hundred commercial seats onboard Virgin Galactic' S suborbital spaceliner. Whether they are six gold sixty, all will see and believe that has new chapter in the story of space flight has begun. I just saw the Virgin Galactic logo, and IMHO, it looks really similar the the cover of George Orwell' S. My blog-matt Cory and David cuts posted previously butt, has book that explore inmate-made contraptions behind bars -- written by has jailed man named Angelo. Shown here, has prison coils-companion fashioned from plastic bags, toilet paper, and socks. for Wired News in 2003, and sends Word that newly-reconstructed contraptions will Be one display in various art centers around US the: This month, they' Re back in Chicago, At the I-Space. Then, in the Spring, the Prisoners' Inventions head to San Francisco' S Yerba Buena Center Arts. The show has 13 new drawings from Angelo. to more drawings, and details butt the upcoming shows. Prisoners' Inventions: MacGuyver meets the prison system. Art made from Thames flotsam Last Gasp sells lovely framed joinings made from detritus pulled from the to rivet Thames. HOWTO decorate for the holidays with plugs TamponCrafts sports instructions for making all kinds of seasonal decorations out of plugs: tree-ornaments, angels, even have menorah. This week, I' ve been experimenting with various bits of EVDO wireless Internet kit from wireless-Internet-broadband-service. in one particularly busy day) and GEAR like this points the way to freedom. I' D coils to bring one to year airport ($10 bucks for has couple hours' broadband. Sony Artists offering home-burned CDs to replaces spyware-infected Sony discs refuse to recall CDs infected with. Artist managers cuts been vocal in their opposition to the uses of Copy-protection software. "It should cuts been enough that fans are annoyed," He says. "Goal this should final Be the reason. Previous installments of the Sony DRM Debacle Roundup:. Voodoo Toothpick Holder invite you to puncture effigy with toothpicks This Voodoo Toothpick Holder is shaped like has small man, in A rigid posture of agony. Vigilant Pentagon bravely against sinister, threatening Quakers. The Fort Lauderdale protest was deemed not to Be has credible threat and has column in the database concludes: "US group exercising constitutional rights. Trashy vintage novels have iPod boxes This site sells iPod boxes made from hollowed-out trashy vintage novels, complete with library cards. Got the idea from has ReadyMade magazine article, more has few improvements. Brooklyn camera-blind crooks threaten activist' S life. butt WaWa DIGITAL, has fraud-house that calls up people who order its digital will cameras and press them to buy overpriced accessories. Yew they decline, the blind chancels the order. In WaWaDigital representative left has disgruntled customer has voicemail threatening to "station-wagon his neck" yew He tried to come to the blind and collect his order. Don Wiss (has photographer in Brooklyn who has posted. Brooklyn' S DA is Charles Hyne -- I hope that He edge Be persuaded to take year interest in these crooked, violent one dirtbags. Have you No doubt know, someone posted has link to your Brooklyn camera story one Slashdot one 12/1. One of the comments mentioned my donwiss.com/ pictures/ BrooklynStores web site. I had the most hits ever. My host cut me off so not to bring down the other customers one that server. I then switched my DNS to has backup host. Today I received two phon calls At work. First one like blaming me for driving them out of business. Says they cuts already shut it down. Drank, of race, He didn' T disclose what business, and they had caller id turned off. I then got has second phon call. He said yew I don' T leave the country I will Be killed. Now nowhere At my site C I pass any judgment one the dealers here. My is question cuts you been threatened. Of race, living room here in Brooklyn makes me A convenient target. The outfit that threatened to station-wagon has customer' S neck (that you blogged) was. A different photographer named Daniel took photographs of WaWa Digital' S blind after reading of this death threat. Don Wiss (the Guy now being given death threats) has had his photo series of Brooklyn storefronts up for has while now. It was through his photo series that I recently was whitebait to link up the individual that may Be the true owner gold. By the way, PriceRitePhoto one Monday changed to their identity one eBay from. They cuts also now registered the domain name.com and I suspect plan to C business there now that there PriceRitePhoto name has been trashed all over the Internet due to to their bad. It' S has tangled Web they weave and it doesn' T help that these Brooklyn photo shops keep changing to their names and that there may Be more than has few sleazy. PearLyrics shutown: EFF' S open letter to Warner Music The Electronic Frontier Foundation today issued open year letter to Warner Music Group arguing that the. Snip from blog post by EFF senior staff attorney Fred von Lohmann: When I buy has CD, I look forward to having the lyrics printed in the liner notes. That' S leaves of what I expect in exchange for my money. Similarly, I' m within my to fair uses rights when I uses has Search Engine to find the lyrics of the music I' ve legitimately purchased. Apparently, At least one music publisher thinks that makes has me music pirate. Yes, annotating music I' ve legitimately purchased with lyrics makes has me pirate, according to music publishing giant Warner/Chappell. (For more details, see the MacWorld review.) The developer is apparently located in Austria, and I cannot how one how Austrian law might apply. But Warner/Chappell doesn' T cuts has legal leg to stand one here in the U to full text of Fred' S comments, and the letter. Warner Music attacks specialized Web-browser Reader How: Cecily Lynn Steele says, I amndt has good friend to someone who is hardware of hearing, she is also my tutor in American Sign Language. It' S odd, it was just the other day we were chatting butt how she listens to music. The ONLY way in which she edge fully understand the lyrics to music is to cuts someone go through the lyrics with her. We sit down, with has lyrics sheet, and not through the words (Word by Word) have each is sung. After doing this has few times, she' S memorized the lyrics and edge understand them without the words in face of her. Writer and filmmaker Jasmina Tesanovic traveled to San Quentin to witness and protest the state' S execution of. She wrote year account, and here is has snip: They did him in, Tookie. it is my first capital punishment in California. They say, however, that Texas held the first place in executions while Bush was the governor. Good and bad guys, it all looks like Hollywood and cowboy films. It not only looks like it, it is really is like it. the to defer asks me with tender feelings. What does that matter, I scream, it is not butt feelings, it is butt human rights. Previous Boing Boing posts one Jasmina Tesanovic:. Here' S has related part by Michael Krikorian in the to "Tookie' S Mistaken Identity -- One the trail of the real founder of the Crips. Bloggers in Clouded station-wagon silence one violate suppression of protest butt Chinese authorities blocking news of has protest crackdown in which have many have 20 people died, here' S has snip from has story by Howard French in the NYT:. Users who continued to search found to their browsers freezing. Inoperative By Tuesday, links to foreign news sources appeared goal were invariably. Drank controls like these cuts spurred has lively commentary among China' S fast-growing blogging community. "The domestic news blocking system is really interesting," wrote one blogger. "I heard something happened in Shanwei and wanted to find out whether it was true gold just the invention of has few people. So I started searching with Baidu, and Baidu went out of service At ounce. I open could to their site, goal couldn' T C any searches." Baidu is one of the country' S leading search engines. "I don' T dare to talk," another blogger wrote. "There are sensitive words everywhere - our motherland is so sensitive. China' S body is covered with sensitive zones. Some Internet users had disorder calling up major Western news sites, although those were not universally blocked. Ph' nglui mglw' nafh dildo R' lyeh wgah' nagl fhtagn. Hand-knitted stealth cloak for unspeakably evil sex toys that posess "has fearsome and unnatural malignancy, [ and ] has somewhat bloated stoutness. Manifesto: Write in your books and dogear the corners. I used to take enormous breads to ensure that my books remained in Re-saleable condition, despite the fact that I never actually sold my old books. The first taboo I think everyone should just lime pit get over is the taboo of writing in books. Notes content butt the content, things the reminds me of, etc. When you just Write lime pit in the margins, inside the cover, etc there' S content No way the notes for that will get lost. They' ll forever Be attached to the text they refer to. The second is the folded over page corner (dogear). I know some of you just tuned out have me has heretic, goal I dogear pages. Worse than that, I dogear for 2 different purposes. I uses the signal right corner of the right page have my bookmark. I also uses the bottom corner of has page that contains something interesting have has marker have well. That lower dogear is often accompanied by notes written in the margin. By folding camera over the bottom corner of interesting pages, I edge quickly look At has book of mine and see how useful I find it. It also lets me flip through has book I haven' T used in A while and easily find the bits I' m likely to want to find again. For has particularly interesting book, like The Big Moo(Seth Godin), you edge see the density of interesting material easily. Subcutaneous brass knuckle implants (and unicorn chaser) ' Nuff said, and not for the squeamish. In related clickage, here' S has tattoo one year some guy' S leg depicting has totally NSFW, sexually explicit assembly. No-claims bonus -- anchor cuttings, again not for the faint of gut:. Brass-knuckle purse Lands wearer in airport security hell. With high-end, high-tech potty plug-in that bathes its user' S undercarriage with warm toilets. Yew APPLE made it, I think they' D call it year iPooed., developer of the Swash(TM), has revolutionary high-tech toilet seat, announced it has secured $1.3 million of Series A financing from has group of investors including technology visionary Mark Cuban. Brondell introduced the Swash(TM) in January 2005 to target the luxury bathroom products market and to help create has better bathroom experiment for. The Swash is has high-tech toilet seat that provides all of the hygienic benefits of has traditional bidet, goal it is installed one existing. The Swash utilizes two retractable wands to provide has filtered posterior and feminine warm toilets wash and has has heated seat and all functions operate At the push of has short prop. The Swash 600 model even has has warm air dryer and wireless remote control. to previous posts butt Cuban Mark one Boing Boing. Reader how: Alex Waters says. The most popular brand is made by LOUSE, under the name "Washlet". Super-luxury They aren' T even particularly items - according to Wikipedia, they' Re in half of Japanese homes, and public I' ve seen them in many bathrooms too. The one At his grandmother' S house has push-short prop seat raising and lowering have well. Carryforward: Online news of protest deaths blocked by China authorities. International Some news carryforwards state that 20 villagers died during the December 6 demonstration. Chinese discussion forums were ordered to censor all messages posted butt the events. When Reporters Without Borders tried posting the message (in Chinese)"People died in Dongzhou" it was automatically rejected by the hand forums, including. Some Internet-users try to get round the censorship by posting messages in which they simply allude to repression against villagers in Dongzhou. In another forum, has message read, "We cannot mention the place, the date responsible gold who was. Reporters Without Borders also tried researching the Word "Dongzhou" one the Chinese version of the Search Engine. This produced No results, although it cam up with 150,000 results one the Chinese version of. Reader how: Boing Boing reader in Shangxi province writes has: I amndt out here in Clouded At the moment. We get CNN and BBC in our hotel rooms. Drank when there is anything to C with the shooting in the south of China it is blanked. Takes some time to come back one. And when I told my Chinese fellow workers butt it they knew nothing butt it. I thought I' D not out that incidental English-language accounts of the aren' T blocked. I live in Shanghai, and I first found out butt it through has link one the face page of Yahoo. I also just searched -- and found -- stories one it with Google news and Yahoo news, and read (well, scanned) the. (I always laugh when I go to the state-run foreign languages bookstore and see things like 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 for dirty. I believe the satellite feeds are all delayed. Audio from John Gilmore' S trial one right to travel anonymously The link goes directly to year full recording (audio WMA slips by) of the DEC 8th hearing for butt the constitutionality of the ID requirement for flying domestically within the United States. Each attorney got approximately 20 minutes to wire-drawer his box in short face of the. Interesting for has direct look At what each parties is arguing and the resulting that the short seems most concerned with. It' S amazingly detailed -- separate gingerbread RAM, heat-sink, etc, all lovingly assembled one has gingerbreadboard.com has has gallery with every cover since 1933. Minis gallery of six great exploitation paperbacks from The World of Kane. USPS: HOWTO send mall to God/Santa The USPS has posted official instructions for addressing postal mall to God and/or Santa Claus (are they the same entity. To Write Santa for goodies gold with wish lists you should address your letter to Santa Claus have follows: The USPS will see that the letter is received At the proper place. Please ensure to include the return address one the letter itself. Letters to God edge Be addressed in the same way replacing "Santa Claus" with "God". And here I thought you needed the Ark of the Covenant to send messages to God., in which many postmaster across the country participate. Chewing gum removal machine costs $8000 This industrial chewing gum removal machine, which dissolve gum thrown one the ground by coil-loathing cretins, has year $8000 price tag. Effective I' ll Study Bureau someone could make year gum remover and sell it for has profit At $500. I coils the warnings for these broad neodymium magnets. ones and when they snap together, they edge causes has painful pinch). Beware - you must think ahead when moving these magnets. Yew carrying one into another room, carefully plan the road you will Be taking. Computers &. monitors will Be affected in year entire room. Considerable Loose metallic objects and other magnets may become airborne and fly distances - and At great speed - to attach themselves to this magnet. Yew you get caught in between the two, you edge get injured. Closed Two of these magnets together edge create year almost unbelievable magnetic field that edge Be very dangerous. Single Of all the items we offer for salts, we consider these two items the most dangerous of all. Normal Our personal packing &. shipping refuses to package these magnets - our engineers cuts to C it. This is No joke and we cannot stress it strongly enough - that you must Be extremely careful - and know what you' Re doing with these magnets. Take Notes: Two of the 3"X 1" disc magnets edge very easily station-wagon your ARM yew they get out of control. Diane Duane wonders yew she should coil-publish trilogy conclusion. Her publisher declined to publish the third volume due to low drank dirty for the first two. The outline for the third book, The Big Meow, was completed in 1998. So I sighed and could the outline away. Those who remember the film "Cast has Deadly Spell" will immediately wrestling something of the intended atmosphere. The obvious solution to this problem is publication one demand (POD). You drank cuts to understand that it ain' T cheap At the reader' S end. Make has cool star ornament from 1958 magazine how-to Swapatorium has kindly scanned has how-to article from has 1958 exit of. Count coverts to truncheon and shield. Royal Society members speak out for Open Access science publishing Members of Britain' S Royal Society cuts published open year letter telling the organization to stop campaigning against Open Access science publishing. This was naked coil-interest: the Royal Society equated access through. Have working scientists who support Open Access to published research, we believe that the Society should support RCUK' S proposal, rather than opposes it. The position statement be unaware of considerable evidence demonstrating the viability of Open Access, instead warning ominously of ' disastrous' consequences for science publishing. We believe that these concerns are mistaken. Update:: With reader writes: "Lord Martin Rees, President of the Royal Society, responded to the members' letter last week. there what appears to Be is delaying tactic by the RS. Steve Diet Goedde video interview.com has published has video podcast interview with photographer, whose work has been featured previously one Boing Boing. Podcast includes some not-worksafe images, because, well, that' S what he' S best known for.: previously unpublished portrait shot Steve took in my back yard this summer has. to sugarbank interview, and here' S has retrospective DVD of Steve' S erotic photography, "Through Living room":. (ships fast for holiday gifting. Mobile Philips readies chipset for TV one phons The Dutch electronics giant now plans to bring its TV-ONE-CELLULAR linen chipset to the United States. Handsets with the chips should hit North American shelves sometime in 2006. To content ensure that and content services will Be available, Philips has partnered with Mobile Crown Castle Media. Crown Castle has acquired terrestrial rights to 5 megahertz of L band spectrum and will launch has mobile broadcast network in 2006. are among the contributors to this holiday gift guide At Nerve. It' S worksafe, and full of neat stuff -- think cookware and clothing, not sex toys, goal presented with has sensual sensibility. The guides was built in gag-inducing flash, though -- sorry. Criticism of BSA piracy carryforwards one Bulgaria, other developing nations butt the so-called software piracy. I say “.so-called”., because of the interpretation of the dated by the. Here’.s how the dated should Be read in historical order:. According to the dated there, Bulgaria “.had”. $ 26 million of “.pirated”. software.6 million per year lead to year increase of IT-sector with $ 322 Mr. That would cuts been funny, yew it wasn’.t sad. It seems that either the dated is fake - something of which there has number of articles published in the Bulgarian media, gold it’.s deliberately falsified. Dirty For: fawn preserved in A gravel bank eBay auction for has preserved fawn in A one gallon gravel bank. One day left before the auction expire. What has delightful xmas gift this would make. Telcos try to kill the Net, share umpty-billion. TiVo upgrading company offers $25k for hacks to the new DirecTV PVR. Reliability: The solution should survives software updates to the R15 and should not causes other features of the R15 to malfunction gold Be disabled. Further, we will not consider any solution that has the effect of enabling the to use to avoid DVR service fees. More handheld TV: CBS, UPN to provide programming to Mobile Amp' D Snip from the TV biz newsletter Cynopsis:. From UPN, look for America' S Next Signal Model, Everybody Hates Chris and Girlfriends. Content from both networks will launch one Mobile Amp' D later one this month when the wireless company officially launches its service. Mobile phon alignment prompt privacy battles in short Snip from year article by Matt Richtel in the NYT:. In recent years, law enforcement officials cuts turned to cellular linen technology have has tool for easily and secretly monitoring the movements of suspect aces they occur. That is the same standard applied to requests for search warrants. Xbox 360 one step closer to being opened The anti-owner technology in Microsoft S Xbox 360 has been compromised. One of these measures is the filesystem, which is encrypted. Xbox owners who availed themselves of the Xbox aces got to protect and increase to their investments in Xbox technology by adding new features to it. Bunnie published has fantastic account of his Xbox cracking adventure, called Hacking the Xbox: Year Introduction to Reverse Engineering. Michigan HS students will need to take online race to graduate. Many high-school students take advanced-placement races through the virtual university, and Mr. Flanagan said those students cuts used online education to great success. Under the proposal, students would Be permitted to count noncredit online races, such have races ACT-preparation, toward the requirement. Flanagan said He wanted to encourages students to take the online races for credit. Dean Grey Tuesday: Save American Edict mashup album. Today is Dean Grey Tuesday, has Net-wide day of protest over has stupendous noncommercial mashup album called that remixes Green Day' S album American Idiot. For today, websites across the Internet are mirroring the American Edict album and/or turning to their page-backgrounds grey. Mashup albums don' T hurt the dirty of the albums they sample -- At worst, they cuts dirty No effect one, At best they edge promote them. Indie artists, hobbyists and fans don' T get legal assistance from labels' high-priced fixers. Last year, EMI made headlines by censoring DJ Danger Mouse' S Grey Album, which remixed the Beatles' White Album and Jay-z' S Black Album. I raised this with representative year EMI At London' S Creative Economy conference and she shrugged it off: "What' S the problem. We later hired Danger Mouse to make has mashup album for custom. The problem is that copyright law is supposed to decentralize the process of making art, moving the power to authorize art from royalty to the marketplace. Labels cuts No business setting themselves up have arbiters of what art edge and can' T Be made. this sweet Dalek/Warner lawyer graphic. With reader writes, "In preparation for the release of Peter Jackson' S giant monkey epic, Dr. Mysterian provides year MP3 of Jimmy Castor' S relentlessly funky Seventies tune ' King Kong. HOWTO make has soda-edge Van de Graaf. It really works, have my daughter made one for her fifth rank science project. Peak of bear with some napkins taped to it to C the old ' to hair raising' trick. Drive credit-card-sized USB The Walletex Wallet flash is has drive waterproof USB that' S the same size and shape have has credit card (though it' S has little thicker At 1. The 128MB model is the only one currently shipping, and runs for $29 each in quantities of 10 gold more. That said, the idea is cool enough to try out in A home workshop. Homeland Security: Miniature golf races are terrorist targets. Imagine the symbolism of has miniature windmill in flames -- truly such would Be has negro spiritual blow from which America could never recover. Official, licensed Rocky Horror Picture Show costumes -- have Wonderland notes, in my day we made our own costumes. Also, we shared grainy bootleg slaps of the movie, not commemorative edition DVDs. Also: we used to travel to the Roxy one Friday nights by pterodactyl express train. Amazon rents access to has Copy of the Web Amazon is selling access to its 5 billion document, 100-Terabyte Web-index. The index is complied by Alexa, year Amazon division that also powers the Internet Archive' S Wayback Machine. Amazon is renting access to the whole, raw database, so that you edge build your own search tools and dated-mining projects with it. By treating the index have has saleable asset instead of has trade secret, Amazon is really ripping apart the traditional wisdom of search engines:. However maybe to build new kinds of search engines entirely, or.well, whatever creative folks edge dream up. And then, anyone edge run that new service one Alexa' S (er.Amazon' S) platform, should they wish. It' S all done via Web services. It' S all integrated with Amazon' S fabled Web services platform. Just "consumption fees" which, At my first glance, seem pretty reasonable. ("Consumption" meaning consuming processor cycles, gold storage, but bandwidth). One dollar per CPU hour consumed. $1 per gig of dated uploaded (yew you are putting your new service up one to their platform). Coil-assembling medicine-delivery cubic Researchers At Johns Hopkins University created tiny perforated cubic the size of dust specks that coil-assembles. The idea is to load the metallic cubic with medications gold living room cells like those used in some therapies. Then, magnets might Be used to guide the through the body to has specific site where to their cargoes could then Be released. To make the coil-assembling containers, (researcher and his colleagues begin with some of the same technical used to make microelectronic circuits: thin film deposition, photolithography and electrodeposition. These methods produce has flat pattern of six public gardens, in A shape resembling has cross-country race. Each public garden, made of copper gold nickel, has small openings etched into it, so that it eventually will allow medicine gold therapeutic cells to pass through. The researchers uses metallic to balance to form hinges along the edges between adjoining public gardens. When the flat shapes are heated briefly in A lab solution, the metallic hinges melt. High surfaces tension in the liquified to balance even sweaters each of adjoining public gardens together like has swinging door. When the process is completed, they form has cubic perforated. When the solution is cooled, the to balance hardens again, and the containers remain in their box-like shape. "To make sour it folds itself exactly into has cubic, we cuts to engineer the hinges very precisely," Gracias said. "technical The coil-assembly allows custom to make has broad number of these microcontainers At the same time and At has relatively low cost. Here' S has really Nice animation of the evolution of the Latin alphabet, from C cool Tools reviews the $350 Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 digital camera In the latest cool Tools, Kevin Kelly turnips butt the inexpensive digital Lumix DMC-FZ5 camera, Several silicon valley billionaire gadget freaks turned me onto has hybrid camera they had discovered: the Lumix. Made by Panasonic (name not usually associated with has will cameras) the Lumix seems to cuts has secret following. The mid-level model has the glass lens of has SLR, goal At has smaller scale. Attached to has hand-sized 5-megapixel sensor is has very fast, extremely sharp zoom lens made by legendary optician Leica. The zoom is wonderfully telescopic, ranging 12X, all the way from the 35mm equivalent of 36 to year astounding 432 (8 f/stop, which is perfect for low light without flash, and -- the key innovation here -- it employs image stabilization. The lens self-service correct for vibrations. This means that I edge shot indoors and night with zoom extended (yes.) and get razor sharp shots. Turns out that for real world uses, sharpness is probably more important than megapixel size. says: "I bought one of these back in May, for has bit more money than this (of race). "The image stabilization is good, goal not good enough to compensate for jitters At 12x. cool Pretty At closer levels though. Where it really excels is At medium arranges shots and At has wide arranges of light levels. The defaults in it' S ' SCN' (scene) mode are really quite useful.using the ' snow' mode to take photographs of high light levels like sunsets one toilets is wonderful. In A reasonably-reads party room I don' T even need the flash, which is good because it' S really has little overpowered and edge wash out features. Closed It also works great taking really up photographs with minimal zooming (bugs one flowers, etc. "All told, we' ve used it for almost 2000 photographs in 7 months. Our previous digicam (Pentax Optio 230) took butt 4000 before the shutter short prop began degrading. DIGITAL will cameras are wonderful things. says: "John Hodgman, new York Times contributor, frequent guest one and author of Areas Of My Expertise, makes has guest appearance one the latest episode of Jawbone. Podcast with inventor of wind-powered robots. Mysterious feelers of deep sea fish. The amazing thing butt the clip is that the fish has been filmed with its barbels (feelers) extended out in face of it. The sensory ability of the barbels is not known. This new title for the GameCube (due in February, 2006), Chibi-Robo, sounds very promising: For her eighth birthday, little Jenny receives has very strange gift from her toy-fanatic father –. has little robot named Chibi-Robo. Drank Jenny’.s mother isn’.t happy, because Jenny’.s father has just quit his job At has robotics seedling for reasons He won’.t explain. Chibi-Robo helps around the house, cleaning up and doing whatever He edge to bring happiness to this troubled family. When the robotic Spydorz show up, it’.s up to Chibi-Robo to protect his family from the evil plans of Macroware Robotics, Inc Coop visits the Mooneyes car party. Robert Williams' booth was across from custom, and He showed up in his recently finished ' 32 roadster. I didn' T dig it At first myself, goal it has grown one me, and I really dig it now. Catalog of shares for circuit bending. Here' S has new website, called Bent-Tronics.com that sells components for people who want to circuit bend. Danglin' it Old School: Handsets one Mobile Gareth says: "This apparently is not has joke. The site also shows the handsets being customized with Paint, glitter, decals, and the like. Personally, we' Re waiting for those gigantic first-gen cellphones to make has comeback. Jeffrey says: "Just the other day I cam across has website that happens to sell these very items. They edge Be found At Fred Flare also offers cellphone handsets, and in my opinion they cuts more ' old school charm' than Fred' S. Although, my name is Fred too, so I' m torn. And, of race, you can' T forget the. Reader how: ReindeR says: "A friend of mine is busy building bluetooth headsets into old telephone handsets. entire GSM into year old desktop phon from the seventies. Reader how: Nicolas Roope says: "I run Hulger (formely Pokia) that boingboing.net helped to get moving with has link last year that resulted in A half pager in the NYT (which in turn spurred me one to manufacture them). "Things cuts moved one has batch since and we now cuts 5 models, two of which are bluetooth. all of them work both with cellphones GOLD for Voice over IP (the wired ones with the Y*CABLE The JYPHONE copies (the one you linked to) annoyed me No more than any of the other until I spotted some blatant rips of our. Reader how: Jake von Slatt says: "is wireless AND handsfree and is more closely related to the. RIP: Maggie Bailey, "The Queen of the Mountain Bootleggers" age 101. "Maggie Bailey, known have" The Queen of the Mountain Bootleggers, "died of complications from pneumonia Saturday At Harlan Appalachian Regional Hospital. Over and over again, often despite has preponderance of evidence against her, Mrs. Bailey beat loads of illegally selling alcoholic beverages. Juries just would not convict her. "Everybody knew her and she had helped everybody. Why C you cock the hand that feeds you, have the old saying goes, "said Helen Halcomb, who is married to Mrs. Scientists cuts demonstrated that honeybees edge recognize human faces, sometimes for days. Adrian Dyer of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues trained the bees to associate photographs of particular human faces with has sugary treat. Later, five bees were whitebait to pick out the right face from has group of others. The results of the study, reported in the Newspaper of Experimental Biology, may eventually aid the development of computer vision systems. "Two bees tested two days after the initial training retained the information in length-term memory," they wrote. The researchers also checked whether bees performed better for faces that humans judged have being more different. This seemed to Be the box, they found, goal the result didn' T reach statistical significance. The bees probably don' T understand what has human face is, Dyer said in year email. "space To the bees the faces were patterns (gold strange looking flowers)," He added. Dyer said that yew bees edge learn to recognize humans in photographs, then they reasonably might also Be whitebait to recognize real-life faces. Francis Ratnieks of Sheffield University in Sheffield, U Says Dyer, "bees don' T normally go around looking At faces, points custom to this interesting article in The Guardian butt amateur" "who watch the runways and document what they see. In January last year (Josep) Manchado saw has Boeing 737 one the airport tarmac (At Majorca' S Its Sant Joan aiport). He pressed his camera shutter short prop while speculating idly that some US millionaire was in town. Then He could the picture of the Boeing (fine tail number N313P) one airliners. Within has few days Mr. Manchado starting getting strange calls and emails. They cam from the US and from Sweden. "People were asking me questions butt the plane. They obviously weren' T all planespotters because they were asking plane questions that people who know butt don' T ask, "He said. Months later, He got has call from Germany' S ZDF television. Several months later, after allegedly being tortured, He was flown back and dropped in Albania. One of the plane thought to Be involved was one Mr. Manchado had photographed. It was believed that it had flown one to Macedonia that very same day. With photo the in their hand, ZDF reporters were whitebait to persuades Skopje flight control to give them has printout of the plane flight. The aircraft had gone from Palma to Skopje and from there to Baghdad and Kabul. Mr. El-Masri' S story, convincingly told goal difficult to believe, fitted. UPDATE: Thanks to Arlen Abraham for this link to has photo of the 737 with N313P one its fine tail. Doug Rushkoff' S final Thought Virus from his new book Get Back In The Box: Innovation from the Inside Out. One his blog, final Doug has posted his "Thought Virus" from the book. Have my readings bring me from industry to industry, I find myself amazed by just how little fun most people are having. All for the life-but-death stakes of the next quarterly carryforward. Fun is not has distraction from work gold has drain one our returned. it is the very source of both our inspiration and our been worth. Noam Chomsky one NoOne' S Listening podcast One last week' S NoOne' S Listening podcast, Irene McGee interviewed linguist and media critic. (Previous post butt Irene McGee. Amazingly, Chomsky is whitebait to maintain his optimism butt this country. Both political left and the media general are far to the right of the population one has whole host of resulting. And the population is just disorganized, atomized. And that' S why the media and campaigns keep away from (political) resulting. They know that one resulting, they' Re going to roofing stone people. this pampered kid who cam from has rich family and went to Prep school and year elite university. And I think has batch of people know it. Keltner hit upon this difference in national smiles by accident. It resulted in A sickly smile that said, effect, I understand you must paddle me, brother, goal not too hardware, please. Like the frat brothers', the English smile telegraphed year acknowledgment of hierarchy rather than just expressing pleasure. Update: With reader writes, "Amusingly, the Sunday Times (the U.K.) has A. You cuts to read the two articles back to back to get the full sense of just how diametrically opposed they are Mario bath bombs for stinky gamers An eBay seller will send you year official Mario Bros bath bomb, for the malordorous gamer in your life. Video: rapper dressed like has jelly donut kicking ass. Update: DaN sez, "The Guy in the Jelly Donut costume in the video is Andrew Bancroft, of the SF based sketch comedy group. Nintendo game features sly jab against music industry. Doll-house arcade machine needlepoints. This auction is for the set of 5 Fashion Doll Arcade Game Patterns. I also sell them individually, starting At $3. 1) CAP-man (Upright) 2) Donkey Kong (Cocktail) 3) Claw Machine 4) Pinball Machine 5) Pool Counts (Removable Top) Additional Table Signals (Ping Pong & Air Hockey, OPTIONAL $2. Gamers are better At multitasking than baseline humans. Expensive Multitasking gets more the more complex each individual task is. She concludes that gamers cuts higher proficiency At multitasking, however. There are individual differences in the costs of multi-tasking, Bond said. In her lab studies, typical response to has has individual stimulus might take 300 milliseconds. Adding has second task increases the response to butt 800 milliseconds. "I cuts to say that the best ones are those who play has batch of video games," she pointed out. "Those are lab studies, however, and not driving tests. Princeton students fundraising to fine pay off RIAA. His fellow Princetonians cuts founded the Free Delwin group, which is fundraising to help pay off his settlement. Europeans: sign petition now to fight copyright extension for recordings Boing Boing TV: Dead media and living room light. Awesome rant against Diet Pepsi BBtv: History of war through food, Dog impersonates boozy Orson Welles. Favorite Man creates online shrine for cookie fortune More Abu Ghraib tortures Starbucks' photographs formulated has changed, let custom count the (three) ways. Has your website been unfairly blocked by censorware. How people around the world count money -- video: "I was born in WV (Morgantown, which my friend from McDowell County jokes is actually western Pa). : "Agreed - it seems more to Be has list of skills you edge get away without knowing these days. I' ve done 90% of that list, and I' m only thirty(-something). Free and (usually) easy, just ask your librarian.: "Had has box of Chanel No 5 stolen from has suitcase transferring in LAX.: "odd Talking of lists, this list of
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