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Hector MALOT: Biography of Hector MALOT - JeSuisMort. Hector Malot is a novelist fran?s. N?n 1830?a Bouille (Seine-Maritime), not far from Rouen, it is d?d?n 1907?ontenay-under-Wood (the Valley-of-Marne), in r?on Parisian. Widower, it had?us?n second weddings the widow d'.un master mariner. Both?ux, had, of their first marriage, respectively two children. Hector is thus the youngest child d'.une family that l'.on would say aujourd'.hui. recompos?.. It d?loppe thus its go?pour stories. Lorsqu'.?'.? adult, it s'.oppose?a volont?aternelle, pr?rant the way of the letters to the?des of right, it supports it in his choice. The Hector young person makes his?des with the lyc?Corneille of Rouen. Does Gustave Flaubert l'.y have pr?d?ix years plus T? L?il binds d'.amiti?vec that which will be some time the Sainte-Beuve secr?anger, Jules Levallois, future criticizes litt?anger. Its?des is not brilliant. it suffers d'.un syst? school in which it cannot s'.exprimer. Its pr?rences go?'.histoire of which l'.enseignant is an original?'.esprit free. In 1853, it s'.installe?aris, and does a premi try to make repr?nter? pi?, in vain. To ensure its subsistence, it?it some articles. It withdraws in his parents for?anger his premi? trilogy the Victims d'.amour of which the first volume para?en 1859. In 1864, it makes build?ontenay-under-Wood a country cottage qu'.il will live jusqu'.?a dead. It chooses some l'.emplacement not far from the station. Thus can it go?aris r?li?ment and gain the close stations for walks p?stres qu'.il affectionne. Hector Malot remarie l'.ann?suivante with Marthe Oudinot of Faverie, young woman then 31 years?e, with which it achieves many voyages. In 1893, is one year apr?l'.?iture of In Family, na?sa grand-daughter Perrine (her pr?m that of l'.h?? novel). It shows large-p? attentive and magnet, curious to note l'.?lution qu'.il observes at l'.enfant. Right man, fid? in amiti?prompt??ndre the cause of the opprim? Was Hector Malot surnomm?ar S?rine, a journalist of l'.?que, Malot-la-Probit?Il was l'.ami of Jules Vall?qu'.il supported in his London exile, bringing financial assistance to him? and r?nfort moral. C'.est gr.? ?ui what the manuscript Jacques Vingtras, which was to become L'.enfant, was publi?Hector Malot is?a T? d'.une uvre important: an about sixty novels. Most known aujourd'.hui is its novels for children: Romain Kalbris, Without Family, In Family. Is another novel for children appeared F? posthumous. The remainder of sound uvre is compos?de Romance for the adults. Are S'.ils oubli?aujourd'.hui, they knew of sound living and until the ann? 1930, a succ?certain. They were translated in many languages: English, German, Italian, am?cain. They appeared in serials in newspapers like Si?e and Time. Its uvre s'.inscrit in the vein r?ist. l'.instar d'.Honor?e Balzac, it wanted repr?nter the soci? contemporary: Paris and the province, all social classes, in particular middle-class. Like its pr?cessor, it brushes types. In the Novel of my Novels, it r?ame of Stendhal, taking again the m?phore mirror for caract?ser its novels. However it was critiqu?ar Emile Zola, in particular, for the pr?minance qu'.il grants to the r?t. Some have the pr?ance d?nc?galement finer feelingss. R?blicain MOD?, it showed d?nsor of the libert? Write a letter?ector MALOT You certify that your letter does not comprise defamatory passages?aract?s, racist, pornographic or not respecting the laws of the country in force. You authorize us?ublier your letter on the site.com urges?e to provide your address e-mail?ucun partner and not to post your address-email on the site. Dear Hector, I remember of one of your works "In family"?e not to confuse with "without family. Many other biographies of Hector MALOT on Mister-Biography, the search engine in biography. Find all information on Hector MALOT on Directory-Celebrity, the directory of the c?brit? All the sites consacr??ector MALOT, biography of Hector MALOT, photograph of Hector MALOT. having common points with. Art, Litt?ture, Artist?ivain, Novelist, Hector Mallot, hectore malot.
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