02 March 2008
Wireless dsl gateway
Understanding Netzwerkanschlu?erminologie is substantial to its from of meaningfully the software and the small articles, which are used, in order to assemble a net. The Kapazit?einer network Connection to that. If a net to the?ertragen of of data with 100 Mbps (megabits per second) f?g is and two users brings at the same time gro? Documents, have them only ungef? 50 Mbps that. Switches, "sp?r in this list, f?Beschr?ungen. Short rank a wireless standard of the high frequency (Rf) used, hand devices and periphery with speeds of 1 to 2 Mbps anzuschlie?n. shown in the mobile telephones mostly above, although Bluetooth f?ge government inspection departments Ma?inheiten, printers, M?e, keyboards and other devices, which?rtragen modest quantities of Daten?rschuss Kurzschlu?bst?e m?en, on the market and the production in the Popularit?sind. For webmasters: If you donate RK leases $6, you May promote your site in this section for one month. The e-articles team, sincerely thanks tons all folks who already donated. Bluetooth devices use a passport key, over at their only if two devices (the "H?edruck") for the first time W?end of this time set up the two devices a confidence Verh?nis be based on werthaltigere security Schl?eln as the short password, which was used f?das Ausgangsh?esch?elnverfahren. Point on, the computer and the Bluetooth device of each of the other Identit?sicher k?en its, which is, why your mouse not pl?lich anf?t to steer cursors of your B?gehilfen. A Sicherheitsma?ahme: before you m?en each m?iche Bluetooth device to your PC anschlie?n, you "leave Bluetooth devices box to find this computer" in the Bluetooth tax lining?rpr?n and your Bluetooth the device to then assemble, around discoverable to be ". As soon as you add the new device, them can to your PC at any time anschlie?n, even if the "Bluetooth devices box let find you this computer" are sp?r ungepr?. Their Anschl?e k?en encryptedif its your applications. Because of Bluetooths verh?nism?g of the short distance, it gives not much, da?Passanten does k?en, although H?er rose for challenge with the Bluejacking, or, normally harmless announcements to the telephones of the victims sending (there are rarer T?gkeiten, in which b?illige H?er particularly uses made announcements in manual work, to use around vulnerability in certain models of the telephones). They k?en your suspension to unerw?chten announcements limit, by turning away from the discovery mode, thus they guaranteeing they guaranteeing, da?nur devices, which specifically assembled you, in order to work on with your device, with it speak k?en. Dynamic landlord configuration minutes (DHCP) minutes used, a singular address of the Internet Protocol (IP) each computer in a net. The IP address is assigned dynamically, every time a PC to the net anschlie?, so that the PC can receive another IP address, each time, it the anschlie?. the one static IP address on the other hand has the same IP address has, every time it anschlie? and a DHCP operators does not need to assign it the address either f?dynamisch assigned addresses or Staticadressen. A net, that the user model thereby or more operators to the Verf?ng central operational funds place f?das to net, like document parts, Druckerumh?ung and email used (called clients) schlie?n at operators, on over against the net. Areas are general in gro?n the organizations, and repeated LANs, spreading?r the ball, can be attached to an individual area. Areas not with InterNet area name. The technology, after which the betr?tliche Majorit?von LANs is established. Ethernet Anschlu?ist to the?ertragen of of data at a maximum of 10 Mbps f?g, and a fast Ethernet Anschlu?kann data. Stand for connection with both speeds f?g is, becomes. Ethernet Anschl?e, those, as the name vorschl?, ?ergangsdaten. A layer protection, which erm?icht or refuses net communication, on pre-determined rules is based. They k?en a party wall use, over not authorized entrance of the intruders, of the close backdoors, those by viruses are ge?net and from other b?illigen applications einzuschr?en and eliminate wasted range, by blocking certain kinds of the applications of nets schlie? a party wall also. A St? Small articles, which binds two together nets, different minutes use or two IP of nets can an entry a local wireless or wired net to the InterNet anschlie?n. become generally in Hauptfr?r established, which leave PC in a house verst?igen with one another and to the InterNet anschlie?n. Devices in your net, to which the repeated Ethernet relations (called points of zero) is manufactured. The main difference between a hub and a switch is an affair of the achievement (and the costs). full range Anschl?e is simultaneous for treatment f?g, which is repeated,, and which throttles less expensive hub all three simultaneous Anschl?e each use only third of the overall bandwidth preserves. A general wireless net, available at many coffee, at the Kaffegesch?en, at the libraries, at the Flugh?n and at other positions. Net with WiFi anschlie?n, in order to receive InterNet entrance. Something hotspots are f?zahlen and others are free. Some St?e made entire Innenst?e too enormous hotspots, so that everyone can anschlie?n, h?ig f?freies. On hotspots close you?rpr?n it out. F?eine list of the free hotspots, see they to noticing you, although, da?hotspots h?ig h?ig to appear and disappear, thus those places of assembly become outdated its k?en. A number consisted of four bytes (z.218) according to an individual computer or a device in a net of minutes Getriebe-des. individual net k?en the same IP address have, but an individual computer can have repeated IP addresses (for example, an entry operator has two IP addresses: a f?jedes net, that. Most elements of the address k?en from 0 to 255 are enough and ungef? 2564 or nearly 4. Verf?ng place m?iche combinations. Endsystemadresse?ersetzung (NATIONAL), attached around an address from a net to others too?rsetzen. than A firewalled, LAN is used to the InterNet (for example, this is?ersetzung, which makes it m?ich, thus net operator answers to? to the correct machine in your net send, although that whole InterNet traffic by an individual cable or DSL modem is concentrated). Used on the InterNet the engaged machines, name server, will be called, around landlords mentioned, how. The four byte turning draft is used, called by the z. used version of the Netzwerkanschlu?s IPv4. But Windows Vista st?t also IPv6, which extends gro?die number the existing IP addresses, as well as hinzuf? Security and Qualit?der characteristics services (QoS). IPv6 looks like this: fe80::28ff:b329:f8b3:a44e. IPv6 is not still in widespread use if it is, becomes it more f?gro? private communications networks as f?Ausgangs or Kleingesch?netze uses. Local network, a marking, gew?lich on a net contain in an individual area or in. Megabit per second, which Ma?inheit of the measure used, the speed a network Connection too. Ethernet gegr?ete nets k?en data either to 10 or 100 Mbps generally?rtragen, although now. High-speed rent line, DSL and Kabelmodemanschl?e?rtragen gew?lich data on to 15 Mbps and fast the fastest similar modem divide with Glazial 56 kbps or 0. Because there are eight bits to a byte, k?en the theoretical maximum data transfer rate of a Anschlu?s determine, by dividing simply by 8. ?ertragungen 384 kbps Anschlu?s 384/8 = 48 KBS data per second, which should permit you, 1 MT a document in few more than. However comes up more than straight Daten?rtragung (like error correction), therefore is ever slower actual performance than the theoretical maximum. Net interface map, generally admits you as an inserted Ethernet wears, ben?gen a NIC, your computer. Their Motherboard to be established f?Laptope should inserted also be your NIC, but it knows a PCMCIA (printed card module). Most Laptope schlie?n also inserted. Universal series bus (USB) gegr?etes NICs can be also used with desks and Laptopen. A net, in that it no central operator gives and to PC verst?igen directly with one another and divides their. Backbone networks, how the established Hauptfr?rn on-line on of the Einzelhandelsgesch?en bought or, are to equalat the same time nets, how many Kleingesch? Nets. Gr?re of nets use generally central operator in place of. Will equalat the same time sometimes in another direction, itself on applications, as BitTorrent to refer used, those directly computers?r the InterNet or a net anschlie?n, around it documents divide. A number, which the kind of communication. Net data base search routines gew?lich gate 80, in order web pages to downloaden, therefore net operators at gate 80 m?en "h?n". generally used gates schlie?n gate 25 f?das sending of email (smtp), carry 110 f?das Zur?holen of of email (POP3), carry 443 f?das Zug?lich make the safe web pages, carry 21 f?ftp, carry 23 f?telnet, carry 22 f?SSH, carry 53 f?Domain name system (DNS), carry 119 f?newsgroup and jointly enter 6699 f?Gleich to same ones document-dividing applications. Point to the point minutes, minutes used, long Abst?e of a TCP/IP Anschlu?berschusses too. Windows uses PPP, around gew?liche of the InterNet Anschlu?berschusses with a similar modem to uses PPPoE, a technology in connection. Point to the point minutes?er Ethernet, which in-encases PPP framework within the Ethernets, becomes haupts?lich f? Minutes are the language to speak thus it computers used to be other computers in the net. TCP/IP sentence of minutes is that in fact standard f?LANs and WANs and f?Internet Anschl?e is requested. ?ergangsdatenpakete under nets and inside a net, as well as way the packages to their correct positions. company? the work of the?rpr?nden packets in a net on, sees their place of destination, and then it sends on their. On the InterNet Fr?r generally send packets to other Fr?rn, which send them to other Fr?rn, until the packages reach their abschlie?nden place of destination. People confuse Fr?r with switches passive device, the devices at form a net anschlie?, and a Fr?r shifts actively packages. An output or a Kleingesch?fr?r has really more small articles in him than a straight Fr?r, and he schlie? gew?lich a hub (or a switch) and an entry also, so that an individual device can form the basis of an entire net. If you use the net diagram function of Windows Vista, in order to illustrate your wireless Hauptfr?r, does it show a switch, the Fr?r and an entry as different devices, although all it in a Einzelst? the small articles. They k?en your own net diagram, by?nen tax lining - net and dividing InterNet -, net and center manufacture and to "diagram of the opinion then click. A computer in a net, a service of some kind, how treatment of of email, storage and serving documents durchf?t and a data base or other application runs l? and. Backbone networks generally do not use operators, and. Hold set designator (SSID) a name, which marks your wireless net. Fr?r come before-configured with SSIDs (for example, Linksys have all Fr?r the SSID "Linksys"), but you k?en (and are you), them in the software attitude of the Fr?rs?ern. Minutes, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Internet Protocol (IP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and InterNet control. InterNet Anschl?e requested and is standard minutes f?die most kinds modern LANs. A virtual net, which permits the private?r the InterNet to be sent information verschl?elten. The companies use VPNs h?ig to permit their employees to a private communications network of the house removes. InterNet, over to the private communications network anzuschlie?n, but all their communications are verschl?elt and to travel within a virtual "tunnel", so that they are private and safe. Windows Vista schlie? inserted F?gkeiten, around VPN. Long distance network or a net formed, by attaching long Abst?e of the Computer?rschusses. InterNet is an example of a WAN. some gates is gew?lich used, around computers to the backbone network anzuschlie?n, and an individual WAN gate schlie? the backbone network on. Gegenw?ige standard (s) of f?drahtlosen. But, if we speak?r WiFi Anschl?e, we mean gegenw?igen normally world-wide Standard.11gthe, particularly f?Hauptnetze, the transmissions accelerated to 54 Mbps offer (with typical throughput of 20 Mbps). preceding generally used WiFi standard was 802. Many general hotspots use noch.11b backwards compatibly and can to them, although obviously at the untereren net anschlie?n accelerates. Following production of WiFi, 802. eingef?t fair and can speeds of to 540 Mbps theoretically to offer, although, how a practical affair in the material world, which it becomes rare, if?rhaupt, giving the material. Tats?lich do not?rtragen wireless nets data with their maximum m?ichen speeds because of the St?ng, Abst?en between?ermittlern and Empf?ern and in such a way (also on the market is 802. Distance and lack of Kompatibilit?mit the "b" and "g" standard it a bad choice generally meet. These standards schlie?n Verschl?elung, over your data surely to f?en and too?rpr?n whether only authorized. Methods are WiFi gesch?ter entrance (WPA), WPA2 (alias 802. the?ere wired equivalent private life (incoming inspection). if the safest is, WPA is the zweith?igste safe, and incoming inspection is. Their small articles m?en with the Verschl?elungstandards compatibly its, in order to use it. ?tere Ausr?ung cannot be compatible m?icherweise with WPA2, and in some F?en is very old Ausr?ung. Microprogram-list-ascend can the problem l?n. if not, m?en new small articles to buy. A wireless net consists gew?lich of a wireless Fr?r (the point of entrance) attached to the InterNet?r broadband and one or more computer, those in the Fr?r. (you k?en a wireless net without a wireless Fr?r with "announcement hoc" mode, but come only between two with the WiFi Unterst?ung, which is geeinbaut, although desk PC or USB adapter requires a wireless PCI map. Windows Vista can make each m?ichen WiFi Anschlu?aus out zug?lich for the box, if her the necessary small articles. A group of computers?r to equalat the same time the net and portion operational funds as printers and documents. Most people confuse one. An individual net can have repeated Workgroups in it, and you k?en Workgroups to the net. If you set up a net in Windows Vista, Windows causes a Workgroup of f?es automatically and. They k?en the names of the Workgroups however?ern and new Workgroups the net hinzuf?n. Workgroups are to be equalat the same time and in Windows Vista k?en you the Workgroup easily?ern, to which your PC is attached. If you use a Mac OS X, or the Linux system to exchange to the documents with your Vista the system which Windows used, which arrange a dividing, k?en you /etc/smb. (you m?en the root entrance have to do to this), w?chen around the same Workgroup as its Windows PC to use this is an article, that draws up from Adam Griffin hinzugef? Renouncement: Our web site is not responsible to the information, those by this article. This article does not reflect by any means the opinions, the opinions, the thoughts or the faith of the. "general Netzwerkanschlu?Terminologie" with one excuse herzlichst us f?alle m?iche?ersetzung. 275 users browsing the articles directory
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