01 March 2008
What's my internet speed
. Videotron wants to go quickly, quickly, quickly. It is Wednesday that Videotron will make conna?e its new offer Internet?r?grande speed. Exactly as the tests of last winter have d?ntr?alors that Cisco and Videotron tested the tr? tr?haute speed on the r?au of the supplier qu?cois. But the difficulty, it is that a similar speed does not serve g?ralement?Rand-thing on Internet. However, it has the advantage of making it possible to the supplier of connection Internet to offer a broader?ntail of services on line. It will?lement be necessary to supervise the limits of bytes which the new service in loading will allow and t?chargement. Because it is d?vant to see offering as much speed with a strict limitation of 100 gigaoctets or less. What is not without pointing out last October which did not give pleasure with the users the high Extr speed? illimit?bien on it will be necessary that that is to the Canadian standard of the crtc if not Ca will make peté. network Cisco like APPLE iphone when it has FUTURE comancer L’.ENVIRONNEMENT OF the CANADIAN SYSTÈ.ME OF BROADCASTING. Their current projects include in particular:. They should start by increasing their limit of band-width. One is late comparé. à. of another country. High bloqué.e à. 20Gigs per month. Currently, they are quite fast but the way is plutô.t é.troite to roll there so quickly. With ç.a, one would owe ê.tre capable of dé.passer their limits of té.lé.chargement in less than 12 midnight. And quickly, quickly, quickly the surpluses à. to pay and large profits for Vidé.otron. I am a little tanné. of these sillinesses, one does not want to see our ré.el needs. The multiplication of the marché.s of business by a mê.me company is né.faste.ç.a it is another history, but in fact the limits empê.che it is certain for it, ç.a does nothing but increase anné.e in anné.e malgré. all. Of all faç.on, it is if the motorways were closed because there are people who use this one to make things in the gray zone. People often forget that the more one increases the busy one, the less this increase is not visible by the user. Now that all the users have some Megabits of busy (gé.né.ralement at least 5Mbps). The applications or the waiters do not return any more justice à. this band-width. Té.lé.charger a Web page of 100K bytes with a bond 5Mbps or 100Mbps, ç.a does not make large any more diffé.rence. In deuxiè.me place, more and more of traffic "greedy" Peer2Peer concerns (style torrent) and this traffic is influencé. by the leaving and entering dé.bit. The communication between the applications is of it affecté.e and the dé.bits stagnate. Like Bruno A souligné., these dé.bits on Internet will be especially practical to offer services "will intra Vidé.otron". Film Té.lé.chargements on PC (or final illico), Vidé.ophonie (malgré. that the dé.bit outgoing low remainder). Or practical for the "traffic burst". For example, té.lé.chargement of a trè.s large file on a waiter ftp which is trè.s powerful and which does not limit the band-width by user or connection. For buster limit quickly quickly quickly. Knew that if a full user té.lé.charge à. dé.bit on his line 100Mbit/secondes, ç.a will take less consé.cutif 2h30 of download to reach the limit of 100Go. In fact, as Bruno mentions it, a speed extrê.mement fast is not more useful on Internet. With the place, Vidé.otron should concentrate on a faç.on to increase the limits of à. té.lé.chargement less price. With new services such as the film hiring on APPLE TV, Vidé.otron will attract itself the lightnings of large multinationals. How APPLE can espé.rer sell its service with the qué.bé.cois if those are limité. à. the hiring of 2 or 3 films HD per month. Guglielminetti should make you a paper là.-top. It is quite beautiful the limit à. 100 mbps of download but à. what ç.a is useful if there is a speed of upload which stagnates à. 1 mpbs. You know it is Ç.A the problè.me FAI (suppliers of accè.s Internet). They do not ré.alisent that they are killing Internet by making ç.a. For té.lé.chargement, I believe that it would be necessary to pay in Go on large connections. I consume modé.ré.ment, I pay modé.ré.ment, I consume like a pig, I pay, it is as simple as ç.a. A bond of 100M ç.a goes when one divides a accè.s with several people in the case of a company for example. For a simple user the applications are trè.s limité.es. Ç.a goes on a LAN but on the Internet the quantité. of contents à. less 5ms is trè.s limité. It is a op.ration marketing more neither nor less. Like their service 20M with 20Go transfer has. What people really want. I have worked for Vidé.otron for several months, and I realize that the company does not determine the good needs. Of aprè.s the many calls that I have reç.u, people are foutent speed, which them int.ress it is the limit of té.lé.chargement according to their needs. I am prê.t à. to bet that 95% of the customers Internet who have high speed in this moment would take the intermé.diaire if it did not é.tait limit of 1 gigaoctet. Ç.a makes me well laugh all these discussions on the speed of the ré.seau whereas what is currently vital, it is its é.tendue. From my work, I live à. two places. À. Ottawa, I have the high-speed intermé.diaire which is amply sufficient for my needs. I can y é.couter Radio-Canada on line and ç.a is appropriate to me. The CRTC finally put its breeches in order to force the large companies à. é.tendre them ré.seau (what they would have dû. to do since of the anné.es). But still là., it is necessary to live in the municipalité. ciblé.e by the CRTC, which is not my case. I connect a large plogist between Arundel and St-Ré.mi où. the é.lus split promises but do not do anything. While waiting, I treat to myself one pint of good blood by hearing Montré.alais râ.ler against their limit of té.lé.chargement (at least you have one of them). «.Je am prê.t à. to bet that 95% of the customers Internet who have high speed in this moment would take the intermé.diaire if it did not é.tait limit of 1 gigaoctet. The problè.me, it is not speed, but the limit of té.lé.chargement. As everyone seems of agreement it above, 100m bit Ca does not change large thing in our vie.Les pages Internet will not open more vites that of the 7 mbits.Je do not believe only the waiters of the sites which we frequentons can "uploader" has 100 Mbit. The LIMIT of download, is to it truth probleme.Ca should be has 50 gigs per month at least for Internet high speed. Me I depasse my limit almost has each month. In short, does not want a 100mbits but well a limit more elevé.e of band-width has. But it is true that videotron is poor and that we must enriched them with our depassements by limites.Encore cheer videotron for your super marketing. Videotron have haussé. maximum limit of expenses additional for the normal Internet high-speed. On the site, in date of today one can read there: Internet high speed: until à. a maximum of 50 $ per month. Fixed price TGV 30, 30 Mbits/s, 64,95$ per month, 30 Go combiné.s. Fixed price TGV 50, 50 Mbits/s, 79,95$ per less, 50 Go combiné.s. The limits of these new fixed prices are a true joke. They are really not à. the é.coute their customers, contrary à. what they think. If Vidé.otron n’.augmente not their limit of transfer d’.ici the end of my engagement d’.un year, I will change FAI. For slower but which offers any limit such as Web. The patrol craft of the Net takes again its keyboard in the blogosph?. In the context of alliance Canoe - Yahoo, an interview with the cofounder of the Fabric of Qu?c, Christian Guy Interview with vice-pr?dent M?as interactives at Quebecor M?a and pr?dent r?au Canoe, Bruno Leclaire. The commissioner the government?a cin?tography of the National office of film of Canada pr?nte the e-cin project?. Arnaud Gaboudan, the director marketing for the product Office 2008 for Mac at Microsoft, pr?nte the new case. Radio-Canada does not assume the responsabilit?u contained sites ext?eurs
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